Ottoman Empire
started conquering Europe in 14th century and by 15th century had most
of Eastern Europe under its kingdom. Although traces of Islam have been
found a long before Ottoman Empire but Islam flourished appropriately
when Ottoman Empire ruled Europe. Historians are of the point of view
that Islam laid the foundation of modern Europe and it is it fact the
reality. History has noticed Europe dominating the world in the past
centuries through its knowledge and power but if we study early
invention of mathematics, physics and astronomy, not surprisingly; all
the credit goes to Muslim world of seience. Muslim mathematicians worked
in every field of mathematics such as Al-Jabir founded algebra. Galileo
and Newton, the great scientists of their time, would never have been
able to formulate the modern theories of mathematics and physics without
the basic and important tools invented by Muslim scientists.
Plato and
Aristotle laid the institution of classical writing and texts in ancient
Europe but these sculptures were lost in the history and were almost
doomed during the Dark Age. It was again Muslims who acted as the
caretakers of those important writings and preserved them. Even some of
that work was present only in Arabic. Ibne-Rushd, a Muslim, known as
Averroes in Europe, had a major name in this regard.
explorers are famous for their voyages and explorations but it was only
made possible by the accurate maps produced by the Muslim mapmakers.
These maps paved the way for European explorers to discover new worlds
in minimum time span.
This is only the tiny amount of donation made by Islam to Europe
directly or indirectly. According to global news, there are about 53
million Muslims in Europe. Islam has become the fastest growing religion
in Europe and all over the world, there has been establishment of new
mosques all over Europe and even non-Muslims are visiting these mosques.
The rate of conversion to Islam shot in the recent years especially
after 9/11 attacks when Muslims were accused of it. It was the time when
non-Muslims especially Christians were more interested to find out
about Islam, Qura'an and the teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Although
Islam was manipulated to be the religion of extremism and terrorism but
when these individuals studied Islam, their views changed and they found
Islam to be the complete code of life and the best religion of the
world. So they adopted it after their vast researches. The Muslim
immigrants from the Muslim world to Europe living there for decades are clear symbols of peace loving Muslim culture.
Author : Islam Tribune
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