Sunday 31 May 2015



Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and a time when Muslims across the world will fast during the hours of daylight. Ramadan is the fourth of the five pillars of Islam.

The Qur'an was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during this month. The actual night that the Qur'an was revealed is a night known as Lailut ul-Qadr ('The Night of Power').

That is important, however, is to appreciate the reasons behind the fasting, what those reasons signify and what this means to fasting Muslims.
It is most important to a Muslim to show intent in the fast. It is required that they recite short prayer of intent either before they sleep or just before Suhoor, the pre-fast meal.
The Arabic word for fasting means to 'refrain', to discipline yourself to avoid doing certain things which would be quite normal during the other twelve months of the year. It is also meant to teach Muslims to appreciate how much better off they are than millions of other fellow Muslims. So by refraining from drinking (even water) and food, for the long daylight hours, they should be reminded of those much less fortunate, for whom severe shortage of water and food is a way of life, not something merely done one month of the year. By reminding themselves of this fact, it is hoped that not only will they be more sensitive to those less fortunate, but to try to do something practical to help them.
Can younger children fast during Ramadan?
Indeed they can, and in fact many even as young as four or five, are encouraged to fast for a few hours a day during Ramadan, to begin to appreciate the significance of the Holy month. As they get a little older, most families encourage their children under 12 to fast for half a day, until they reach twelve years old, when all Muslim children are expected to fast for the full dawn to dusk period. Interestingly (and perhaps surprisingly to non-Muslim children), many who are approaching twelve look forward to being old enough to fast for the full day, more than anything else. It means to them, that they are now being treated the same as an adult, and all the responsibilities that adulthood brings. Every parent should include their children in Ramadan activities so that they can learn about their religious activities in their early age.

1. Ramadan Is The Ninth Month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This opens up a great opportunity to tell children about the Islamic calendar, when did it start and what are the other months in it.
2. What is Fasting
Fasting is one of the most important duties of Ramadan. Fasting is made Farz on every healthy adult and such people shouldn’t skip the fasting.One has to refrain himself from eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset as well as to stay away from all sorts of sins and bad deeds while fasting, and even after that.
3. The Month Quran Was Revealed to the World
Ramadan is the very month when Allah (SWT) revealed the Quran on Prophet Mohammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This increases the significance of this month and makes it the month to recite Quran in abundance.
4. Sawab Of Prayers Increased by 70%
In Ramadan, the Sawab for all kinds of prayers (Dua, Salah etc.) is increased by 70 percent. Thus, there is no reason to skip even a single prayer and those who don’t earn a great amount of Sawab in this month is indeed unfortunate.
5. Lailatul Qadr (The Night of power)
Lailat-ul-Qadr, which is also known as the Night of Power also comes in the very month of Ramadan. It is said that this night is more significant than a thousand months which is why Muslim pray extensively on this night. Doing so can lead to salvation on the Day of Judgement.
6. Eid ul-Fitr (The Festival of Breaking the Fast)
Eid ul-Fitr is the festival of breaking the fast. This holiday celebrates the conclusion of the twenty nine or thirty days of dawn-to-sunset fasting during the entire month of Ramadan. Muslims celebrate Eid ul-Fitr for three days and then get back to their normal routines.
7. What is Lailatul Jaiza
Lailatul Jaiza is the night preceding Eid-ul-Fitr. This night is also called or known as the Night of Reward.The prayers of all the Muslims who performed Salahs, Tarawihs, observed fasting, gave charity etc. in the month of Ramadan are being accepted in this night.
8. Importance of Charity in Islam
Children should be taught in their early childhood that charity giving is highly encourage in Islam. All of us who are financially stable, or even if not but can give child charities every once in a while, should provide aid to our Muslim brothers. We can provide financial help to the helpless or physical aid depending on the circumstances.
9. The Moon Sighting
Ramadan begins in the start of the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is determined by the sighting of the crescent moon. There are moon-watching committees all over the world to ensure that there is no confusion about the sighting of the moon. Once the crescent moon is seen, the news of the commencement of Ramadan is announced on the TV and Radio.
10. Children Don’t Have To Fast
You should tell your children that they don’t have to fast now (If they haven’t reached the age to start fasting) but they eventuallywill have to fast in upcoming years. This will get things rolling and get them in the mindset of performing this important task.
Teaching children about the month of Ramadan, its duties and the Farz responsibilities of other months is highly encouraged in Islam. You should tell your children about each of the above explained pointers in order to fulfil your religious duty as a Muslim parent.

Happy Fasting, Kids :)

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