Friday 6 March 2015

9 Facts About Friday, In Islam


Friday is a very important day for Muslims. It is more significant and more beneficial than any other day of the week. It is the day that Muslims gather together to pray in congregation. Directly before the prayer they listen to a lecture designed to empower them with valuable knowledge about God, and the religion of Islam. It is a blessed day that has been designated as such by God, Almighty; no other day of the week shares its virtues.
A believer’s entire life is one of worship; even celebrations are conducted as worship. While there is no special place or special time to worship God, there are moments, days, or times that God has made more superior; Friday is one of those times. 

From the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, we learn that “The best day in the sight of God is Friday, the day of congregation”. Congregational prayers (obligatory for men) are one of the most strongly emphasized duties in Islam. It is a time when Muslims come together to worship One God, and find strength and comfort by standing shoulder to shoulder and reaffirming their faith and devotion to Him.

“O you who believe! When the call to prayer is proclaimed on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of God, and leave aside business. That is best for you if you but knew.” (Quran 62:9) 

Here are some other virtues and facts about the Day of Jumu'ah:
  1. It includes the congregational Jumu'ah prayer, which is one of the obligatory acts in Islam and one of the great gatherings of the Muslims. Allah The Almighty will seal the heart of whoever abandons and slights this, according to the Prophet , in a Hadeeth (narration) in the book of Imaam Muslim
  2. The day of Jumu'ah includes an hour during which all supplications are accepted. Abu Hurayrah, narrated that the Messenger of Allaah , said: "On (the day of) Jumu'ah is an hour during which Allaah gives to a Muslim servant standing in prayer whatever he asks for.”[Al-Bukhaari and Muslim]. 
  3. Giving in charity during this day is more virtuous than any other day. Ka'b, narrated that the Messenger, , said: "Charity given during the day of Jumu'ah is greater (in reward) than any other day." 
  4. The believers will see their Lord from Paradise on that day. Anas ibn Maalik, said regarding the saying of Allaah The Almighty (which means): {"And We have more (i.e. a glance at the All-Mighty)"}[Quran, 50: 35] "Allaah will appear to them on the day of Jumu'ah.".
  5. It is an 'Eed, i.e., a recurrent holiday and celebration. Ibn 'Abbaas, narrated that the Messenger of Allaah said: "Jumu'ah is a day of celebration, so whoever attends it should perform Ghusl (bathing) beforehand." [Ibn Maajah]. 
  6. It is a day on which sins are forgiven, as narrated by Salmaan who narrated that the Prophet, said: “Any man who performs Ghusl on Friday, perfumes himself if he has perfume, wears the best of his clothes, then goes to the mosque and offers as many prayers as he wishes while not harming anybody, then listens quietly while the Imaam speaks until he offers the prayer, will have all his sins between that Friday and the next forgiven.” [Al-Bukhaari]. 
  7. When walking to attend the Friday sermon, a Muslim gets the reward of both praying Qiyaam (i.e., the night prayer) and fasting a full year. Aws ibn Aws narrated that the Prophet, , said: “Whoever performs Ghusl on Friday after having sexual intercourse with his wife, then goes early to the mosque and attends from the beginning of the Khutbah and draws near to the Imaam and listens to him attentively, Allaah will give him the full reward of fasting all the days of a year and observing night-vigil on each of its nights for every step that he took towards the mosque.”[Ibn Khuzaymah, Ahmad]. 
  8. Hell is fired-up during every day of the week except Friday, as a mark of honour and respect for the day of Friday.  
  9. Dying on Friday, during the day or night, is a sign of a good end, for the one who dies on that day will be protected from the trial of the grave (i.e., Allaah The Almighty will enable such a person to be steadfast during it). The Prophet, said: “Any Muslim who dies during the day or night of Friday will be protected by Allaah from the trial of the grave.” [At-Tirmithi and Ahmad]. 

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